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Experience the Vienna Prater this Summer in Vienna

Recreation, Sport and Fun in the Vienna Prater

The Vienna Prater is one of Vienna's most iconic attractions and ideal for a summer visit with the whole family. Just a short distance from Hotel Stefanie, this amusement park offers a mix of thrilling rides, family-friendly activities and green meadows.

Prater Tower © WienTourismus Paul Bauer
Prater Tower © WienTourismus Paul Bauer

Nature & culture: opposites that couldn't be better matched

When people in Vienna refer to the 'Prater', they mean the park grounds in Vienna's second city district. The 'Green Prater' offers expansive lawns for basking in the sun, huge, shady trees and tranquil walking paths. The Prater is a paradise for taking a casual stroll, running or cycling. With its more than 250 fun rides and attractions, the amusement park in Vienna draws thousands of visitors each year. You will soon realise that the Vienna Prater is more than just 'the Prater'. Immerse yourself in the magical green nature of a riparian landscape, discover numerous opportunities for leisure or sports in the cool shade of the age-old trees, or spend endless entertaining and delightful hours with your family in the colourful and boisterous amusement park.

Top Attractions in the Vienna Prater

The big Wheel in the Prater

You shouldn't miss a ride on the gondolas of the Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel in the Prater: the view over the city of Vienna is breathtaking! Since its construction in 1897 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Emperor Franz Joseph I's accession to the throne, the Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel in the Prater has been one of Vienna's most famous landmarks. With a height of 64.75 m and 15 carriages, it was the largest Ferris wheel in the world at the time of its opening.

The Vienna Prater Tower

With a height of 117 meters, the Prater Tower in the Vienna Prater is one of the highest chain carousels in the world and offers a breathtaking view over the city. The Prater Tower is a must for Vienna lovers. It combines thrills with an incomparable view over the entire city. Ideally located in the heart of the Vienna Prater, it is a highlight for every visitor to Vienna and an exciting addition to the park's more than 250 other attractions.

Enjoy the Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel in the Vienna Prater on a beautiful summer day in Vienna
The Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel in the Prater

Information about the Vienna Prater

Fun is the name of the game at the amusement park in Vienna's Prater. Ghost trains, autodrome rides, ball throwing and shooting galleries, roller coasters and a flight simulator. There is something for every taste in the Vienna Prater.

Admission to the Prater is free and the prices for the various attractions in the amusement park range from one to ten euros. Especially for children, the Vienna Prater offers the Ringelspiel, the Punch and Judy show and the Altwiener Grottenbahn. The wide range of entertainment on offer in the Prater is complemented by numerous cafés, restaurants, buffets, ice cream and snack stands.

You can easily reach the Prater by public transport from the Hotel Stefanie or walk for about 20 minutes along the Praterstrasse to the main entrance of the park. Book your room today for a fun-filled trip to Vienna. The team at the Hotel Stefanie is looking forward to your visit.

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